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Monday, 04 December 2023

The Influence of Websites and Social Media as the Overview of the University

Office of International Cooperation and Culture Affairs (KUIKK) Universitas Trisakti took the initiative to improve the competence of USAKTI lecturers and educational staff by holding the “Journalistic Script Writing Training for Websites and Social Media” event. This activity was on July 12, 2023, in the Auditorium of Building F. Attending this event are Vice Rector IV, the leaders and staff of KUIKK Usakti, and representatives from all faculties, units, institutions, and bureaus.

Websites and social media are essential tools for universities because they use these to disseminate various information. Communication is also vital. Vice Rector IV, Prof. Dr. Drg. Tri Erri Astoeti, M. Kes., at the opening of this event, emphasized that, specifically regarding writing, understanding punctuation marks is very important because incorrect placement can affect the meaning of a piece of writing.

The event was divided into two sessions, “Detecting Article Ineffectiveness” and “Literature Journalistic Writing Techniques: Writing from the Heart; Arousing Many Other Hearts,” explained by Dr. Ariani Selviana Pardosi, M.Pd. During the workshop, the participants actively discussed the difficulties they faced. Moreover, Dr. Ariani taught them how to enhance their writing skills to convey information attractively and informatively.

Hopefully, this training can make participants more proficient in writing attractive articles on websites and social media.

Source: Public Relations Unit & KUIKK USAKTI

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