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Kamis, 22 Agustus 2019
Oleh: Admin

Ghaisani Ghana Padsa Berpartisipasi Dalam Pemecahan Rekor Dunia

from @dkvusakti Congrats! Ghaisani Ghana Padsa Mahasiswa DKV Usakti 2016 berpartisipasi dalam pemecahan rekor dunia: Credit to from @ghssaa (@get_regrann) – Another Guinness World Record. Penyelam terbanyak (3000divers) & Pembentangan bendera terbesar Most People Scuba Diving Silmutaneously and The Largest Flag Unfurled Underwater Records.

I'ts started about 3 years ago, I fell in love with every single sweet creatures that lives down there. Snorkling into scuba diving. From know nothing until I'm at the point how I feel like knowing of how everything that what I’ve done in up surface means a lot what will be happen in the down. We have the responsibility to care for the ocean as it cares for us.

(Sumber : IG@usakti_official)

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