
News From FEB Usakti :
Currently, international accreditation of study programs becomes one of the strategies to take part in the global community and to acquire excellent recognition within the field. However, Indonesian Government recognizes selected accreditation institutions for study programs as stated through the Decree released by the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 83/P/2020, concerning International Accreditation Institutions, which lists recognized international accreditation institutions, one of which is the EUROPEAN Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).
EQAR is the auspice of several international accreditation in various scientific fields, including the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA). Accordingly, Master of Accounting Program has conducted an International Webinar by inviting NURUL BARIZAH S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., the chairman of Airlangga University Quality Assurance Agency and the Chairman of FIBAA Accreditation Team as the sole speaker to thoroughly discuss about the accreditation of FIBAA which was held on Monday/11 January 2021, 10.00-12.00, through zoom platform.
The event was attended by the Dean of FEB USAKTI, the Chair of USAKTI and FEB Quality Assurance Agency; Vice Dean I and IV FEB USAKTI, Head and Secretary of Study Programs. In the future, Master of Accounting Program and several other study programs will pursue the possibility to acquire FIBAA accreditation.
Source Master of Accounting and Vice Dean 1 FEB